Say No to the Swine Flu Vaccination

Swine flu or H1N1 vaccine is by many people being called a bio-weapon of mass destruction. This is a very serious matter and is not to be taken lightly. This virus was made in a lab by the same people who are mandating mandatory vaccinations world wide. There have been no studies on how safe the vaccination is.

There is a response pandemic control center called the "Pandemic Control Room and is designed to map and track the spread of a pandemic virus, and is filled with super-computers linked to all U.N. member government's security forces, ready to send out troops and will vaccinate people as they see fit. Laws are put in order that if refuse the WHO-mandated vaccination it would be seen a criminal act and you could be arrested, put in jail or even shot. Refusing a WHO-mandated vaccination has been criminalized under provisions related to public health emergencies.

The Greek government has already announced that there will be forced vaccinations, and other countries are expected to follow suit soon. The Swiss army as well is stockpiling the vaccine. Yet another sign of the militarization of the public health services as the WHO takes charge of the "pandemic emergency". The French government is supposed to declare its highest state of national emergency over the swine flu sometime this year. France will then be divided into special defense zones with an army officer at each governor's side. In America, provisions for forced vaccinations are also incorporated into executive orders and legislation such as the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act. Although the constitutional status of American states has resulted in an uneven implementation of the MSEHPA . 39 states have adopted the provisions and can enforce vaccinations. If you refuse the vaccination it will be considered a felony and you will be sent to a "quarantine compound" and can legally be put to death (Justified "deadly force"). This is very real people.

There is scientific evidence that the WHO mandated vaccine will be toxic and potentially deadly.

The WHO has developed a method that uses vaccines to kill people in three steps which were described in the memos dated from 1972 discovered by Patrick Jordan and to be seen on Dr Rebecca Carley's website. This is considered as the three-pronged approach:

Shot#1-Weaken the immune system.

Shot#2- Inject a huge dose of virus into the body, which the weakened immune system cannot fight.

Shot#3-Inject a adjutant that will create an inflammatory reaction and a cytokine storm.

A Austrian journalist by the name of Jane Burgermeister is making her rounds on the internet right now with charges she's filing with the FBI. Is if that's going to do anything. The charges she is filing are well,'s the introduction:

"I. Introduction: Summary of Claims I am presenting evidence of acts of bio-terrorism that are in violation of criminal law of the United States by a group operating within the United States under foreign direction, specifically under the direction of international bankers who control, among other financial institutions, the Federal Reserve, as well as international government organizations, specifically the World Health Organization, the United Nations and NATO. Evidence is presented to show that an international corporate criminal syndicate is intent on carrying out a mass genocide against the United States population by using an artificial (genetically) engineered flu pandemic virus to cause death and injury and having annexed high government offices in the United States. Specifically, evidence is presented that Defendants President Barack Obama, President of the United States, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of World Health Organization, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Secretary Janet Napolitano, the Department of Homeland Security, David de Rothschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, Alois Stöger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the United States and other countries for financial and political gain.

Evidence is presented for contending that the defendants did conspire with each other and with others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bio-weapons program involving, among other entities, the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis, by first bioengineering and, then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically, first, the so-called —bird flu? virus and, second, the —so-called? swine flu virus, in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program, which will be the means for the administration of a toxic biological agent using the delivery system of an injection, causing death and injury to the people of the United States in violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA) passed into law in 1990, which extended the scope of bio-warfare materials regulation to include private individuals and non-state organizations, including corporations.

The dossier presents the evidence that Baxter AG, Austrian subsidiary of Baxter International, based in Deerfield, Ill, deliberately, willfully and knowingly, sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu virus -- supplied by the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland -- in the winter of 2009 to 16 laboratories in four countries. This evidence offer clear proof that the pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies themselves are actively engaged in producing, developing, manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly bio-weapon on the planet in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass deaths. Attachment (A) is a copy of the criminal charges filed against Baxter and other defendants at the Vienna City Prosecutor‘s Office on April 8t, 2009, by Jane Bürgermeister, dual Irish/Austrian citizen, resident in Vienna, Austria. The Austrian police are now investigating the incident involving the release of 72 kilos of live bird flu virus from Baxter‘s lab Orth an der Donau this winter. According to § 175 (a) of BWATA, there is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States Attachment (B) is a copy of criminal charges filed against Baxter and WHO and other defendants via the Austrian police concerning an alleged case of bio-terrorism in Switzerland in April, 2009.

Briefly, the charges detailed in Attachment (A) against Baxter note that Baxter‘s lab in Orth an der Donau, one of the supposedly most secure bio-security labs in the world, did not adhere to most basic and essential steps to stop 72 kilos of a pathogen classified as a bio-weapon to be kept secure and separate from all other substance under stringent biosecurity level regulations, but allowed it to be mixed with the ordinary human flu virus and sent from its facilities in Orth in the Donau. WHO, EU and Austrian health authorities did not investigate after a staff member at Bio-test in the Czech Republic at the beginning of February tested the material meant for candidate vaccines on ferrets, who then died. They did not investigate the content of the virus material. There is no data on the genetic sequence of the virus released.

In an answer to parliamentary questions on May 20th, 2009, the Austrian Health Minister, Alois Stöger, revealed that the incident had been handled not as a bio security lapse, as it should have been, but as an offense against the veterinary code and a veterinary doctor and a medical doctor had been sent to inspect the lab briefly. Attachment (C) is a copy of the answers dated May 20t, 2009, of the Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger to the parliamentary questions tabled by an MEP on March 20th, 2009, the Baxter incident, detailing the amount of live bird flu virus material involved – 72 kg – and the steps taken by the authorities to investigate. The dossier shows that the release of the virus is an essential step for triggering a pandemic that will allow WHO to declare a Level 6 Pandemic. The laws and decrees are listed which will allow the UN and WHO to take over the United States in the event of pandemic. Also, mandatory vaccinations will come into force in the United States in the event of a pandemic declaration. The entire —swine flu? pandemic business is premised on a massive lie – that there is a natural virus out there that poses a threat to the population. Scientific evidence is given for believing that the bird flu virus and swine flu virus have, in fact, been bioengineered in laboratories using funding supplied by WHO and other government agencies, among others. This —Swine flu? virus is a hybrid of part —swine flu?, part human flu and part bird flu. Something like that can only come from a laboratory, according to experts.

WHO claims that the swine flu is spreading and they must declare a pandemic ignores the fundamental causes. The viruses that were released were created and released by the help of WHO and WHO is overwhelmingly responsible for the pandemic in the first place b failing to introduce measures to limit the spread of the virus rapidly. In addition, the symptoms of supposed swine flu are indistinguishable from regular flu or from the common cold. It does not cause death anymore often than the regular flu causes death. The figures for deaths reported for the —Swine Flu? are inconsistent and there is no clarity as to how the number of —deaths? has been documented. There is no pandemic potential unless mass vaccinations are carried out to weaponize the flu under the guise of protecting the population. There are reasonable grounds for believing that the mandatory vaccines will be purposely contaminated with diseases that are specifically designed to cause death. A licensed Novartis bird flu vaccine killed at least 21 homeless people in Poland in the summer of 2008 and had as its —primary outcome measure?, an —adverse events rate?, thereby meeting the US government‘s own definition of a bioweapon (a biological agent designed to cause an adverse events rate, i.e. death or injury) with a delivery system (injection). The same complex of international pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies that have developed and released pandemic material have positioned themselves to profit from triggering the pandemic by sealing contracts to supply the vaccine and funding. The pandemic will bring huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry from the potential sale of —swine flu? vaccines, government subsidies and funding.

The various media groups are controlled by the same group that is in charge of this —Swine Flu? hoax and are spreading misinformation to lull the people of the United States into taking the dangerous vaccine.

In summary, the dossier presents evidence that the people of the United States will suffer substantial and irreparable injury if they are forced to take the unproven vaccine without their consent pursuant to the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, National Emergency Act, NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51 and HOMELAND SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/HSPD-20, and the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza. Beginning in or about 2008 to the present, in the United States, Defendants have implemented new and/or accelerated the implementation of laws and regulations designed to strip the citizens of the United States of their lawful Constitutional rights to refuse an injection by creating or allowing provisions to remain in place that criminalize the refusal to take an injection against pandemic viruses and by imposing other excessive and cruel penalties such as imprisonment and/or quarantine in FEMA camps while barring the citizens of the United States from claiming compensation for injury or death from the above-mentioned forced injection, in violation of laws on federal corruption and the abuse of office and also of the Constitution and Bill of Rights so laying the legal groundwork for mass genocide. The defendants have preplanned the mass murder of the US population by means of a forced vaccination, also by installing an extensive network of FEMA concentration camps and identifying mass graves and they have been involved in devising and implementing a scheme to hand power over the United States of America, using the swine flu or other pandemic as a pretext, to an international crime syndicate, that uses the United Nations and World Health Organization as a front for the illegal racketeering influenced organized crime activities of the above-mentioned organization, in violation of laws on Treason. Evidence is presented that the complex of pharmaceutical companies of Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi Aventis are part of a foreign-based dual purpose bio-weapons programmed financed by the international criminal syndicate and designed to implement mass murder to reduce the world‘s population by as much as 5 ½ billion in the next ten years, to spread terror, to justify forcing people to give up their rights and mass quarantine in FEMA camps.

Also, the assets – houses, companies, farms, stocks – of those who are killed will be up for grabs by the international crime syndicate. By eliminating the population of North America, international elite access to the region‘s natural resources, such as water, and by eliminating the United States and its democratic constitution by subsuming it under a —North American Union? with an Amero currency, the international crime group will have total control of North America. The pandemic has also engineered to distract the attention of the world from a devastating global economic crisis engineered by the same international crime group, which is leading the world into a crisis marked by poverty, economic collapse, war, the loss of civil rights and the demise of State social programs. II. Factual Background 1. Time line and facts that establish probable cause


Here's the link to the rest.

This woman has serious balls. Even if she's wrong about the hole thing we'll never know unless it really happens and people start dieing from these vaccines. If she's right and nothing happens then this woman would have played a big part in save the lives of millions if not billions of people.
Either way we'll most likely never know.

It's so important to spread this information around to as many people as you can. Knowledge is power, point being, by knowing and sharing this information, people will opt out from getting the swine flu vaccination and if everybody said no it would be imposable to quarantine everybody in these FEMA camps.

As far as these FEMA camp go, here's a web site containing everything you need to know on the reality of these camps. It uncovers every camp in every state and where their located within that state. This website has a ton of information, I definitely recommended checking it out.

If you only watch one of these video's, this is the one to listen to. Incredible!

Here's the link to the actual form from the cdc website.

The Czech Republic has refused Baxter’s swine flu vaccine over safety concerns.

Please pass this knowledge to everyone you know.


This is a real issue no matter how you look at it. Attain this knowledge and spread the word to as many people as you can and attain your attainablemind.


UFO Mother-ship filmed by SOHO

I randomly watch the SOHO updated movies to check out the sun spot activity. So as I'm looking at the latest images, right before my eye's appearing out of no where is an alien mother-ship. The reason I say mother ship is because the distance from the camera and this object is millions of miles away and it's very clearly visible. Go to the SOHO website here , click on LASCO 3, type in the dates 2009-09-19 to 2009-09-25 and choose the movie option. Use the step mode so you can see it frame by frame. Look a little less then half way from the center down the distorted part of the image going left, and what your looking for is what looks like a star but it's not. You will notice it's moving faster than the stars and gets brighter as it moves across the screen from left to right. The craft is visible from frame 1 to frame 214. At about frame 125 is when it starts to get much brighter and will be on the lower right side of the screen. Now put the movie on fast mode to see it very clearly. As I was watching, at frame 204 another craft enters the screen at 45 degrees down and to the right from the center, it seems to be moving towards the sun. Truly amazing images, let alone everything else that's going on in this SOHO movie. What else could they be besides alien craft? Remember that when your watching this in fast mode that this craft takes five days to move across the screen. This is a massive mother-ship cruising the solar system. I again say it's massive because it's most likely millions of miles away but is visible. This craft could very likely be hundreds of miles in diameter. Still think were alone? The other thing that is so baffling about these images is the fact that I watch the LASCO 3 movies at random. I would imagine if you were to look at more of the archived footage you would find many more UFO captured on film. This piece of footage is awesome! Open your mind to what's out there, attain the knowledge that will set you free from being an earth bound creature. Realize the potential of the human mind and become one with the universe. Attain your attainable mind.
This last picture is a photo of the earth above the Indian ocean, whatever is making the ripples in the clouds is absolutely gigantic, somewhere between 1-5 miles in diameter.

12 UFO Video's of 2009

April 18

April 4

May 21

September 16

September 16

September 11

September 5

September 12

August - Italy

June 7th

June 21st

What I find absolutely astonishing about these videos is the fact that there are so many of them. This is only a small handful. It's not going to be long before the truth comes out about UFOs and aliens. Along with the digital age and communication, more and more people are becoming aware that we are not alone in our solar system and that they have been influencing are lives sense the beginning of time. It's truly undeniable that what were seeing in the sky's are in fact Alien craft. Skeptics try to debunk the facts and the facts are that hundreds of thousands of sightings have taken place and are taking place on every corner of the earth. Open your mind to the fact of what is happening to us as a species, we are becoming aware. Aware that we soon will no longer be an earth bound race. Attain the knowledge that is put forth right in front of you, use your mind to set yourself free from this earth and attain your attainable mind.

Project Camelot's Dr. Pete Peterson's Interview

The purpose of the Project Camelot is to provide a vehicle for researchers, scientist and whistleblowers to get their stories out to the public. The focus of their investigations revolve around but are not limited to; contact with aliens races, time travel, mind control, classified advanced technology, free energy, possible coming earth changes, and revealing plans that exist to control the human race. They are able to interview people from all walks of life. One every interesting interview I came across was with a Dr. Pete Peterson.

"Dr Peterson is an extremely well-informed insider and a most remarkable and brilliant scientist - who came forward to talk with us publicly because he feels the issues he cares deeply about, and knows about, are too important to keep silent about."

Some of the subjects he talks about in this interview are:

• The probable (in Dr Peterson's strong opinion) collapse of the economy, infrastructure, and law and order in the US

• The planned disclosure of the ET presence

• The Aurora (now retired from service and replaced by vehicles capable of superluminal travel) and the TR3B (the large flying triangle, which functions as an aircraft carrier)

• Artificial intelligence and advanced robotics

• The "information field" and how the body, the mind, and DNA really function

• Healing modalities which work very rapidly and effectively

• 'Rescuing' brilliant scientists out of the old USSR

• How Mir (the Russian Space Station) was so heavy that it
could not have been assembled without 'help' from our 'friends' (or, to be exact, the Russians' friends)

• Time spent in the Vatican Library

• The existence of Sumerian high technology

• Quantum computing (off-camera, Dr Peterson held in his hand a cheap quantum chip, which he had assembled himself in his own laboratory, with the computing power of 10,000 PCs)

• The genius of James Clerk Maxwell, and why Einstein was wrong

• Why you should not spend too much time in front of your new Digital TV

• The reality of the US prison camps

• How President Obama was (in all probability) set up

• How he came to understand that 15% of the world's population (of all races) have ET ancestry that can be seen in their DNA - and are also resistant to mind control technologies.

The real purpose of this video is to help inform people of what is truly happening on this planet in regards to government on society and the plans that have already been put in place for our future. He also goes on to explain the incredible advancements of technology and for most people who hear what he has to say on the subject, it is truly unbelievable. It may not be the easiest interview to sit through but please take the time to hear what this man has to say. You can tell that what he's saying is the truth, because he says when something is speculative and let's you know when something is just his opinion.

It's important to realize that wistleblowers don't gain much of anything accept for the feeling they get from informing the public. These people are extremely brave for coming forward with the knowledge they have. The key to understanding the information your hearing is by having an open mind to anything that comes your way. Try to imagine a world without Hollywood and television. Your mind would be much clearer allowing you to comprehend the reality in front of you without the distracting visions of fiction running through your head. Attain the true visions of reality, be open to the new experiences that are forthcoming, free yourself by recognizing the transparent walls that consistently surround our lives and attain your attainable mind.

1,000,000 Civilians Killed in Iraq

Imagine your in your backyard having a family barbecue. Children running around playing having a good time, while your kicking back in your chair sipping on some good old faction lemonade and you start to hear the slight noise of jets. It gets closer and closer so much so that you get nervous and tell everyone to get in the house than BOOM BOOM BOOM,... sounds of jets dissipating then silence. You open your eyes, the dust clears and you find your the only one alive. You, nor anyone of your family members are in the military and everyone in your family in dead because of this jet raid. A statement goes out the next day from the country that ordered the bombing saying that there were no civilian casualties and the raid was a success. Civilian casualties in Iraq are anywhere between 200,000 and 1,000,000 people. Why is it such a broad number of people? Because there is no official body count of the Iraqi people. And you wonder why their not to keen on America. It's hard to grasp the type of life that people are living in Iraq. Lieutenant General Tommy Franks was quoted "WE'RE NOT COUNTING BODIES"

"We may never know" how many were killed, Air Force Brig. Gen. John Rosa, deputy director for current operations at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters earlier this week. "We're not counting bodies from up here," he said from the podium of the Pentagon briefing room.

Now granted that he is referring to Qaeda and Taliban soldiers but this also includes civilian casualties as well. They don't care how many people their killing. Bush and Tony Blair launched the invasion of Iraq even know a majority of UN members did not agree, no one knows how many Iraqis have died, that parts remains a mystery, but do we know that more than two million have fled abroad and another 1.5 million have sought safety elsewhere in Iraq. With the combined number of car bombs, suicide attacks, sectarian killings, disproportionate US counter-insurgency tactics and air strikes it has produced by far the worst humanitarian catastrophe in modern history. The worst part is the Iraqi ministry of health tried to keep track of the civilian body count from morgue records, but soon after came under pressure from the US government to put it to a stop. The Baghdad morgue director was also given death threats to put a stop on publishing the number of the dead in order save families from embarrassment, even know these same family's wanted the numbed published. He has fled Iraq.

The numbers are a complete and total mystery. Between the Brit's and the former Bush administration they of-course had the lowest estimates of civilian casualties adding up to about 100,000 people. Just to compare, about 2,000 people died in 9/11. According to the IBC in spite of the media's emphasis on car bombs and suicide attacks, Americans have killed four times more civilians in the first two years of the war than al-Qaida-linked insurgents did provoking the armed resistance. On top of the when Bush's new so called freedom to Iraq after the removal of Saddam Hussein, it caused a large serge of violence since 2003. In 2005 Bush gave a statement of 30,000 civilian deaths in Iraq when the number was much closer to 150,000. Two studies led by researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore then published in the prominent British medical journal, "The Lancet" found in their first survey that as of October 2004 that the civilian death toll was around 98,000. Then after a second survey conducted in the summer of 2006 showed the civilian death toll to be around 655,000 which 601,027 were said to be from violent causes. That's about 500 people dieing every day who have nothing to do with anything being killed all in the name of American justice.

I feel so much sadness for the Iraqi people, and it just amazes me how so many Americans write off whats going on over there, and most people don't care because the propaganda has labeled the people of Iraq as terrorists. These poor people are getting slaughtered, their homes are being destroyed and destruction is ramped. If your living in America or for that matter in any place were you don't here explosions and gun shots on daily basses then you really can't imagine life in Iraq. It's so easy to turn a blind eye to such chaos when you don't experience it. Out of site out of mind right? If you truly look into the lives of these people you can't help but feel sadness. We has humans need to put a higher respect on life, not just our own and the people around us, but everyone you don't know. Something I find ironic is the fact that many Americans who support this war and don't care about the innocent blood being shed are fundamentalist Christians. Where do you think Jesus was from?? Do you think he spoke English too? Sorry I don't mean to label I know it's not completely their fault but it's the truth. Some people's vision of what's really happening in the world is so distorted that their whole universe is opposite of the truth. What is truth? History is truth, actual event's that have happened over time. It's the stories in-between told by powerful people that distorts history which in turn distorts the truth.

It drives me crazy the way American news talks about the situation in Iraq, everything that you hear from FOX and CNN is only what is released to them from the US military. It's all controlled and it's all censored all for your well being, so they say. Their being payed to justify the war and to make it look like a good thing. Fair and balanced?? Really? What would your life be like if all of a sudden some other country invaded your country and blew up your entire neighborhood because they thought militants were living somewhere in the vicinity. Open your eye's and turn off FOX and CNN to the lies that are being fed to the American public. Attain the truth through anything but these corporate monstrosities who are destroying the minds of people with corrupt government money. Free yourself from the hatred of the middle east and realize the prejudice comes from a corrupt system of false realities. Attain your attainable mind.

This little girl cry's as she morns for her Mom, Dad, two brothers and two sisters who were thought to be suicide bombers as they approached their own house.

I feel so much sadness, this was by far the hardest post I've ever written about. My heart pours out to these people and so should yours.