Zeitgeist Addendum
Attain your mind.
Control of the Weather, Air Traffic and all Comunications.
Another fascination that Tesla had was to be able to control the atmosphere. Control what's in the atmosphere and you could control the world. It sounds crazy to someone like you or me, but for someone like Tesla this was not to far from reality. Unfortunately Tesla did not live long enough to see his atmospheric controlling device in action. The man to pick up where Tesla left off was Bernard Eastlund, the inventor of the HAARP or "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" which is a large phased array electromagnetic wave generator located in Alaska. This powerful transmitter is designed to beam more than a gigawatt of energy into the upper reaches of the atmosphere in order to heat up the ionosphere. Basically they blast the ionosphere with high frequency radio waves and irradiate the already charged particles. It's these same particles that when energized make up the the phenomenon known as the Northern Lights. Why would they do such a thing? Well, as stated by the U.S. Navy and Air Force it's " To observe the complex natural variations of Alaska's ionosphere." and of-course to develop new forms of communications and surveillance technologies that will enable the military to send transmissions and communicate to any part of the world from the highest peaks to the deepest oceans. The one part that they will not admit is that it's being used for missile defense, weather control and mind control.
Now if your able to control this signal and heat up the ionosphere wherever you would like then theoretically you would be able to control the temperature of the atmosphere in that specific area. If you could control the temperature of the atmosphere then sir, you could control the weather. So now the real question becomes how their able to have such specific controlling capabilities over such a vast area. Well for one, the fact that it's in Alaska put's it up near the north pole. This is where the magnetic field lines intersect with earth at a desirable altitude for the HAARP, along with the vast reserves of natural gas that fuel the project. They are able to have this precession, thanks to the transmitting partials being blasted into the atmosphere by airplanes.
Yes airplanes have been blasting chemicals consisting of particles that can be manipulated by the HAARP, otherwise known as chem-trails. They can be seen all over the world and one thing I find very interesting is the fact that many areas where chem-trials are the highest concentrated is where weather seems to be the most active with new types of weather. Just over the last few years have new weather patters accrued to where the weatherman has no name for. Their right now as we speak trying to identify and name a new type of cloud that forms to which the likes no one has seen before. Of-course people say there is no real proof to back this up, except for the fact that's it's been scientifically proven that the trails you see in the sky everyday being left by airplanes have been proven to heat up atmosphere, just like the HAARP.
"According to the patent, Eastlund's invention would heat plumes of charged particles in the ionosphere, making it possible to, for starters, selectively "disrupt microwave transmissions of satellites" and "cause interference with or even total disruption of communications over a large portion of the earth." But like his hopped up ions, Eastlund was just warming up.
Per the patent text, the physicist's "method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere" would also: "cause confusion of or interference with or even complete disruption of guidance systems employed by even the most sophisticated of airplanes and missiles"; "not only... interfere with third-party communications, but [also] take advantage of one or more such beams to carry out a communications network at the same time. Put another way, what is used to disrupt another's communications can be employed by one knowledgeable of this invention as a communications network at the same time"; "pick up communication signals of others for intelligence purposes"; facilitate "missile or aircraft destruction, deflection, or confusion" by lifting large regions of the atmosphere "to an unexpectedly high altitude so that missiles encounter unexpected and unplanned drag forces with resultant destruction or deflection of same." If Eastlund's brainchild sounds like a recipe for that onetime Cold War panacea, the Strategic Defense Initiative (AKA "Star Wars"), it's probably no coincidence.
The APTI/Eastlund patent was filed during the final days of the Reagan administration, when plans for high-tech missile defense systems were still all the rage. But Eastlund's blue-sky vision went far beyond the usual Star Wars prescriptions of the day and suggested even more unusual uses for his patented ionospheric heater. "Weather modification," the patent states, "is possible by... altering upper atmospheric wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of particles which will act as a lens or focusing device." As a result, an artificially heated could focus a "vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the earth." HAARP officials deny any link to Eastlund's patents or plans. But several key details suggest otherwise. For starters, APTI, holder of the Eastlund patents, continues to manage the HAARP project."
This basically` states that the HAARP could have complete control of the weather and atmospheric temperatures, all air traffic control such as missiles, airplanes, satellites, anything in the air really. That also means control of all communications and which in turn leads to the control of electricity and power. The HAARP could also very well have an effect on the broadcasts that you watch on an everyday basis taping into the subconscious mind. It doesn't take a very strong frequency to interact with the human mind, much less a mind zoned out to the television. Think about the fact that you burn more calories sleeping than you do when your watching TV, what a perfect opportunity to tap in.
This is strait out of Dr Evil's wet dream, this thing can theoretically control the world and everyone on it all in the name of scientific research. I think it's funny that the U.S. Navy and Air Force want "To observe the complex natural variations of Alaska's ionosphere." Sense of-course they are true environmentalist. Yea right! The military is not capable of doing strictly science, the only science that the military would be interested in is science that is used for military applications which are defensive purposes. Think about it.
The HAARP is a very real invention and is already being out into use around the world. Some people would contribute the crazy weather patterns to global warming or just natural cycles of the earth. I on the other hand believe there to be government manipulation involved. Do the research for yourself in order seek out the truth so you can attain your attainable mind.
And here it is on Google map, they only show a partial image. Why??? What's to hide?
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Salt Lake City Bolide Meteor
Stop this video at 8seconds to see how bright this thing was, it might as well been daytime.
I like this one because one it's slowed down and two, the shadows move as it moves through the sky. Awesome!
And here's the best footage caught by abc, channel 4, Salt Lake City news.
This really puts things into perspective, there are literally thousands of meteors in our solar system floating around us at all times, it's really quite scary when you think about it.
Here a link to a map of all the impact site around the world, and it's a lot more then you think. It's on a google map so you can zoom in and look at them to see the size and magnitude of the site.
Think it's impossible? Check out this website that shows all of the moons around the planets in our solar system. Wait till you see how many objects orbit around Jupiter, you'll be surprised.
And lastly I leave you with an animated video that shows what would happen if a small moon sized asteroid or meteor were to impact earth. It would be a truly quick and painless death.
Attain your mind.
UFO Footage From Istanbul Kumburgaz 2009
Attain your mind.
Police Macing People at Random in Miami
Here are the boys in blue doing their civil duty of macing people walking on the sidewalk that don't even know what's going on. This is the power that the police have. They can mace anyone without even having a reason, or I would guess they do, but you don't see them trying to explain it to anyone. Does this mean that their above the law? That they can break laws without even being questioned? Isn't it against the law to mace someone for no reason? People this is the type of thing that the police can get away with. Where are these people rights? Aren't police supposed to serve and protect the public. Aren't these people the public? What's this country coming to? This type of thing makes me down right sick to my stomach. Please pass this video off to everyone you know in order to expose whats happening in some places in America. These cops should be arrested and treated like everyone ell's. The police in this video must have real control issues and plainly are not fit to be real officers of the law. It's like giving a bully with stick up his ass a can of mace, sticking him in a crowd while giving him a badge allowing him to be the law. These cops are cowards and it's actions like this that give all cops a bad rep. I mean look at the cop who's spraying the mace, he's a big fat ass donut eating bastard who's macing people at will. What a complete and total waist of police training, what a big fat looser. These aren't cops, their assholes terrorizing the neighborhood. Remember, this is what your tax dollars pay for in Miami. Fat bully cops macing people who are peacefully walking through their own neighborhood without giving them an explanation.
Attain your mind.
Symbols and their meaning
Words and Their Meanings
Words are how we as a species communicate, all of us and everything are all controlled by words. The English language is the most modern language in history and when the meaning of words were given definition, it was done with great care. The reason for words and their meanings were chosen very carefully by the powers that be, there is no coincidence or just funny chance that some words are the same but with different meanings. To understand how the world's law's and banking systems truly works it is necessary to understand these next basic words and how they were developed for our English language. Let's dive right in shale we.
These ideas were put together by Jordan Maxwell.
We are told that America is a land of laws and a land based on laws. But as it turns out America is run by people who are lawless. We have no true law in America because the powers that be, the controllers or government makes the laws and what ever they say is law today, could very well change tomorrow. So a law that can be changed at any time is no law at all.
Take in to account this next example:
If you had a piece of twine that you were going to wrap a package in, your pretty secure that that piece of twine is going to hold that package together. But if you were to take that same piece of twine, hold it over the side of a building and hang off that piece of twine, your life would be held in the integrity of that piece of twine. Wouldn't you to want to be really sure that piece of twine is going hold?
If you were going to build a two story building and you were planning to put a lot of weight on the second floor what would you do? Well... If you were smart you would have a architectural engineer make sure that the integrity of the structure was going to hold the weight you were planning to put on that second floor. Right? You want to make sure the laws your making are going to hold. So your standing under the foundation your going to build on. Your "standing" "under" to get "understanding". Because you see, that's where the word "understand" comes from. To stand under the foundation that your building on.
Understanding words is fundamentally important to every human on the planet because we are a species that is again control by words. If you take the s on the end of the the word "words" and bring it to the front, you get the word "sword". Ever heard the saying "to live and die by the sword", well...... we live and die by words. This is why it's so important to establish what words mean.
Let's now back to laws and the law. There is a roman maximum in law that states "He who could be deceived, let him" Meaning that if your so ignorant to be deceived then that's your problem, not the law makers.
This is why it's so important to understand words that relate to laws and government. There is an occultism that has been making the worlds laws and government using these words that you may use yourself on an everyday basis, but when used in a court or in banking terms they mean something entirely different.
While confined to our planet earth, we live with two very basic laws. Water and earth, you either are on water or your on the earth or ground. Unless your flying of-course. Now, there are two kinds of laws, the law of the land and the law of water. I'm sure you've heard the term "law of the land" and that is precisely what that means the law of the land to the people who are on that land. The other law is considered the law of the high sea's or the laws of water. It's these two different laws that are fundamentally important to differentiate. The laws of the land are quite easy to understand. Laws are different all throughout the world, right? Laws here in America are different then the laws in Mexico, Spain, or Russia. These are the laws of the land simply because that's exactly what they are, the laws of that culture on that particular part of land.
However there is a higher law that dominates the entire world which is the law of the water or the law of the high sea's. The law of water is referred to as the law of money. It doesn't matter what color you are or where your from or where you live. Money is money and the entire world is controlled by money. Any time your dealing with money or banking you are now dealing with the laws of water or maritime admiralty law. If you go back in time where all this came from, you need to go back the land of Canaan from the Bible. The Canaanite's were Phoenician's, and in the ancient Phoenician language the word "Canaan" meant "merchant banker". The very word merchant comes from the word "Mer" or the sea of water as in mermaid we have merchant. Merchant bankers. So the main difference between the law of the land VS water is that the law of the land are the laws of the people who inhabit that portion of land rather than the law of water which are the laws of banking and money that surround the entire planet.
The statue of liberty must sit in water because, it's not the "statue of freedom" but a "statue of liberty". Liberty is something a sailor gets when he comes to shore and gets off the boat. He's getting liberty, not freedom. So when they say America, land of the free, they are just pulling the wool over your eye's. America is not free. Ever been stopped at any of the random of thousands of police check points checking to see if your drunk, an illegal immigrant or a terrorist. Random check points are something they do in third world country's and something they did in Nazi Germany.
lets have an example of how this law of the water works;
Why is it when you when you deal with the law you go to court. You go to a court to play basketball or tennis and how do you play tennis on that court? By hitting a ball back and forth with a racket in the court while being overlooked by a referee to make sure all go's well. It's the exact same thing in a judicial court. The lawyers just bounce the ball back and forth while the judge or referee sits by to make sure everyone is playing by the rules which is also why they all wear a black robe. The Judge doesn't don't care who wins, he's just there to ref the game. The judge rules from the bench, the word "bench" in Latin means bank. There for the judge rules for the bank. Now where do you find banks? You find banks on both sides of a river and are called river banks. What do river banks do? Well they control the flow of the current,, they control the flow of money. Consequently your money is a current flowing down river being controlled by the banks controlling the flow of money.
To give you another example on how this works; all ships are refereed to as female. Especially ships that are on the water, compared to spaceship or airships. They are always female. This is done for a very good reason, maritime admiral banking law states all ships are to be female because they are carrying items for money (which I'll get to in a minute). Admiralty comes from the word admiral that came from the Navy. You see, when a ship pulls into harbor, it parks at the doc. The captain then has to provide a certificate of manifest for the port authority because when a ship pulls into land from water it is manifesting goods to the land. It's manifested to land from the water. Very ship must have a captain, the very word "captain" comes from the word Latin word "capital" which in turn means money. So the captain represents the money that's on board the ship and again has to provide a certificate of manifest for each and every item on that ship including descriptions of the color, weight, and worth. All of these questions must be answered on this certificate of manifest while the ship is sitting in it "birth". Where ever a ship is docked, is called it's "birth". "She sits in her birth". Now all of the items coming off that ship represent money and coming from the water they are considered maritime admiralty products. This is true all over the world. Now when you were born your mothers "water broke", and when it broke is when you came out. This is why you have to have a "birth certificate" which means we are all maritime admiralty products according to maritime admiralty law. Your body is considered a maritime admiralty product. Your mother "delivered" you, this like when you order goods to be "delivered" the company will "ship" them to you. They will "deliver" them, that is why you were born in a "delivery room". Your mother was "delivering" a product, a maritime admiralty product. You came down your mother's "birth canal" and the "birth certificate" must be signed by the "doc". All of these words and terms are maritime admiralty banking word's. So in order to understand Judges, layers, courts and government you need to understand that they are all under international maritime admiralty law. All religions and churches in the world operate under international maritime admiralty law. This is way all churches fall into different denominations like 20's 50's and 100's, this is exactly why their called denominations, because churches are nothing more but a product of maritime admiralty banking. Throughout history there has never been a country where the people have rose up and demanded their right to be free, the concept of human sovereignty has never existed on this planet except when it came to the founding of this country. We understood that we were sovereign people and that we owned our body' s. However sense 1868 we're now under maritime admiralty law. Think about it, back in the old western days in the wild west many people were wearing guns were ever they went and if you had a dispute with someone you could settle with guns right in front of the sheriff and he would do nothing. How come this type of behavior was legal, how come people were aloud to carry guns and shoot each other before 1868? Because people were sovereign and people owned their own body's. In 1868 their was a corporation that was founded at a time that anyone could start a corporation. The company that was incorporated was called the United States corporation. They stipulated that any one who was a member or worked for that corporation would be called not an employee but a "citizen". So today if your asked if you are a citizen of this country, you may think you're being asked if your lawfully in this country to do business. That's not lawfully what's being asked though, they didn't ask you if you were in America lawfully, they ask a very specific question, and that are you testifying that you are a citizen of the United States? Because being a citizen of the United States means you are an employee of a foreign corporation, operating under international maritime law. So today the president of the united States is a president of a privately owned company. The company is called the United States and the word "president" is always used in corporate law. Banks have presidents and company's have presidents, and so the United States is company that is privately owned and it has a president. President Obama is not the president of America, but of a privately owned company out of England called the United States. This is why it is so fundamentally important to understand the true meaning of words and terms. These are some of the words and terms that have been used to trick the people and to enslave them.
Why ell's would x- president Bush knighted by the Queen of England in 1993. Think about it, the president of the United States at the time knelled down to Queen Elizabeth II and was showing elegance. Has any other president of any country knelled down before another ruler of another country in elegance? I don't think so.
This is not just coincidence, words are picked very carefully and with thought.
Money: From the Latin word "moneta" which originally meant, "warning."
Attain your attainable mind.
Keep the Extra Fluoride Out of My Water
I have a water dispenser where I work from the Mount Olympus water company where their slogan reads;
Then they proceed to state;
"For centuries a clear mountain spring on Mount Olympus has flowed pure and sweet, low in total dissolved solids, high in oxygen, imparting a clean, crisp flavor.
With beginnings as Mount Olympus Fruit and Livestock Farm Company, Mount Olympus was founded in 1898. Our spring and the mountain from which it comes has become your signature of quality assurance.
Mount Olympus spring Water flows from protected source in the Federally-designated Mount Olympus Wilderness Area Mount Olympus is free of chlorine, cryptosporidium, giardia and pharmaceuticals. Our spring water is tested in our laboratory many times per hour to assure consistent quality and absolute safety."
I called them to ask if they fluoridated their water and the answer was yes. I e-mailed them about this issue (see reply below).
Is it really necessary to fluoridate water in order to have healthy teeth? NO. According to
"Most recent, large-scale studies have found that fluoridated water provides only a minor benefit to teeth, or no demonstrable benefit at all. According to a recent Canadian government review: "The magnitude of fluoridation's effect is not large in absolute terms, is often not statistically significant and may not be of clinical significance."
Moreover, according to the National Academy of Sciences, fluoride is not an essential nutrient. This means that no human disease - including tooth decay - will result from a "deficiency" of fluoride. Thus, unlike real nutrients like calcium and magnesium, the human body does not need fluoride for any physiological process."
If this is true, then why do water company's and municipal water sources continue to put more fluoride than is naturally accruing in our water? Some people believe it's to dumb people down, literally.
Still have doubts? Watch this video and your doubts about if fluoridation will be gone.
One more to seal the deal.
Want to know more;
Open your eyes and your hears to attain your attainable mind.
I got an e-mail the next day from Mount Olympus that clarified the fluoridation of their water;
Thank you for showing interest in Mount Olympus products, you can rest assured that we do not add fluoride to our all natural spring water which is listed on the analytical as spring water bottle and source. We do however have a small number of customers that request a fluoridated water and feel more comfortable with a product that is manufactured in a very controlled environment and that is subjected to 3rd party audits.
The bottles are clearly identified preventing unwanted products from being distributed to those customers not wanting fluoride additionally we only offer fluoridated water in 5 gallon home and office bottles and by request only. We do not offer fluoride in any other package and currently do not provide any fluoridated water to any retail outlets.
It's amazing that people request fluoride in they water, they just don't know any better. That's the problem with government propaganda.