Chemtrails or Contrails? The Debate Goes On

In 1974 the patent number 3899144 was given to "Powder contrail generation"

The abstract is as follows:

"Light scattering pigment powder particles, surface treated to minimize in particle cohesive forces, are dispensed from a jet mill deagglomerator as separate single particles to produce a powder contrail having maximum visibility or radiation scattering ability for a given weight material."

The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy in Washington, DC own the rights to this patent.

Not to surprised.

"to produce a powder contrail having maximum visibility or radiation scattering ability for a given weight material."
"radiation scattering ability for a given weight material."

I assume their talking about jet fuel?

Why would the government want to make contrails more visible then they already were?

Turn contrails into powder???

"to produce a powder contrail having maximum visibility"

What is this patent really for?

The Navy owns it??

Not the Air Force?

Contrails: (short for "condensation trails") or vapour trails are basically artificial clouds that are the visible trails of condensed water vapour made by the exhaust of aircraft engines.

The Patent states "to produce a powder contrail" wouldn't it not be a CONtrail any more according to that definition?

Condensation does not make a powder, so how can they call it a "powder contrail??? That's an oxymoron!!

If it's a power, it's no longer condensation!!!

Hence the CHEMtrail!

It's always important to ask questions.  This photo says a thousand words.